39. Find words

coding and algorithmics, linguistics

The words in the Archive have been hidden on the boards. Help Librarian Ava find them to organize the collection in the Archive.

Read the word at the top and look for it on the board. Point the field that contains its last letter.

Finding a word on the board, putting wordst together from letters, you will improve your spatial orientation and shape your reading skills by systematically familiarizing yourself with letters.

The application is for preschool and school-age children, with the possibility of dividing the view into two boards.

Product ID: a511e46867223a84ad65f61cd7f347ff

€34.50 €34.50 VAT incl.

Product ID: 04d7d9cc1429b040fd38c6808d7b00ab

€9.20 €9.20 VAT incl.