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How to play the games?

Move on the monster or catch its shapes

Four players in game

On the interactive wall

Aim the ball at the monster

Take turns competing or compete together
Learn more about Shapesters
Applications can make free time more attractive for every person, particularly the time spent by children in school standard rooms, educational institutions, institutions organizing children's free time, and additional activities.
Fun with the Shapesters app collection can be an addition o everyday educational activities for children of preschool and school age, corrective and compensatory, revalidation and didactic activities.
Most games are designed for four players.
The games are controlled by motion.
Team games - Visual perception - Gross motor skills
The games in the collection are based on the rules of cooperation or competition. They can be used to integrate the group. In addition to the entertainment function, they pose logical movement challenges to their players.
The application collection may support physical, emotional, social and cognitive development in the early education stage of a child. The package is intended for the organization of activities supporting the multidirectional activities of children, increasing the level of sensory integration and shaping the ability to use developing cognitive processes.
The authors of the Shapesters tried to respond to the developmental needs of preschool and early school children, focusing primarily on supporting motor and sensory skills during safe movement games.
The collection includes sixteen interactive, motion-controlled applications. The heroes of the games are four cheerful monsters - Shapesters, in four colours - yellow, green, blue and red, in four shapes - circle, triangle, hexagon and square, feeding on matching shapes.
The collection includes games related to i.a.: categorizing, catching the matching shapes, hitting the target, and controlling the character.
The games are designed for four players, and in most games the winning character is chosen based on the final score. The time of one game is one minute.
Active support for the child's development
Working with the applications of the Shapesters collection, you can develop various skills:
- respecting the rules of team games and activities;
- independent, reflective, logical thinking;
- visual perception, in particular distinguishing shapes and colours;
- cause and effect thinking
- spatial orientation
- gross motor skills, perceptiveness;
- cooperation and healthy competition.
Included applications
16 interactive applications included
Why choose games with Shapesters?
- Great fun for everyone.
- A collection of interestingly thought-out team games for several players at the time.
- Interactive games activate children to move and play together.
- Simple and intuitive game rules. No need to read the manual.
- Short one-minute games and quick game results presentation on the board.
- The right set of games and activities for school, kindergarten, hotel and home!

Play with us, the Shapesters!
Give us teeth and feed us, because it's a fun time!