Red Bus

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Product ID: 6171374bd68ca24e36d463ec1270c09d
Control method: Motion interaction

€410.08 €410.08 VAT incl.

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Read more about the Red Bus

The Red Bus applications can complement the daily English learning activities for younger school-age children.

The proposed exercises can also be used for didactic and compensatory, corrective and revalidation purposes.

The games included can also make the time spent by children in school day-care centers, educational institutions, institutions organizing children's free time, and additional English language classes more attractive.

The applications are designed for interactive floors. Check available devices powered by Motioncube.

The applications are controlled by body motion.

The package can be a support for educational activities during which English language content is implemented. Thanks to the applications included in the Red Bus, students can name people, animals, numbers, items and activities from the closest environment, presented in audiovisual materials.

The primary purpose of the games is to provide fun, entertainment and, at the same time, to practice or learn words and phrases in English. It is an interesting form of mental and motor activation aimed at consolidating or acquiring new words and phrases in the English language.

The authors of the package tried to respond to the developmental needs of school-age children, focusing primarily on supporting motor, sensory and language skills during organized and safe games and activities.

The Red Bus includes twenty-one interactive applications supporting the process of learning the basics of the English. Letters, words and sentences spoken by the native speaker in English, pictures and sounds facilitate the understanding, correct pronunciation and consolidation of basic words and phrases necessary for independent use of them in various life situations. Each exercise includes a short instruction.

The collection includes word-picture games, spelling games, counting, reading combined with movement exercises, set in the context of everyday life. The applications are prepared in such a way that the user can repeat letters, words and sentences in English after the native speaker. You can choose from puzzles, coloring book, quizzes, memory and movement games.

The exercises included have different levels of difficulty. The applications can be divided into three groups according to the degree of difficulty and complexity of the exercises:

  • Difficulty level: easy - movement games and simple exercises with a hint:
    Alphabet, Detective, Don’t wake up the queen, Hide and seek, I can, Lilies ’letters, Memory, Portrait room, Rain, Who is it ?.
  • Difficulty level: medium - exercises within one word group:
    Catch a word, Coloring book, Hop on, Match, Quiz, Wheel of fortune.
  • Difficulty level: complex - tasks combining vocabulary from different groups, e.g. numbers and nouns or requiring knowledge of the correct spelling of the word:
    Build the bridge, English breakfast, Magic, Shop, Wardrobe.

The subject of the application was set in the atmosphere of London. We travel by red bus, visit the palace and the palace park, meet the Queen of England and other members of the royal family, we buy in a London shop. Fun and interactive exercises included in the Red Bus game collection allow you to consolidate the basic vocabulary, names of cardinal numbers, and shape the understanding of simple verbal messages in English.

Working with the application in Red Bus, you can practice:

  • alphabet: Alphabet;
  • creating words from letters: Build the bridge, Lilies' letters, Magic;
  • colours: Coloring book, Wardrobe;
  • naming people: Portrait room, Who is it?;
  • cardinal numbers: English breakfast, Hop on, Shop;
  • names of food products: English breakfast, Shop;
  • naming a garment: Wardrobe;
  • naming basic activities: I can;
  • naming animals and objects from the close environment: Alphabet, Catch a word, Hide and seek, Match, Quiz, Rain, Wheel of fortune;
  • understanding simple messages: Detective, Don’t wake up the queen, Hide and seek, I can, Shop.

Active support for the child's development

Working with the applications of Red Bus, you can practice:

  • using the basic linguistic skills related to the close environment of the child;
  • naming objects in English and describing them, naming activities;
  • understanding simple oral statements in English;
  • correct pronunciation of letters, words and simple sentences in English;
  • memory, perceptiveness and concentration of attention;
  • motor skills.

Take the Applications Guide with you!

Complete information on the Red Bus apps collection.
List and descriptions of all applications.

Inspirations wait for you to make it real!

Why to choose the Red Bus games?

  • It is an interactive form of supporting the English language education of the youngest students.
  • The applications use the native speaker.
  • Interesting, engaging moving games to improve language competences.
  • Intuitive interface, simple to use.
  • Checked by children and teachers.
Why to choose the Red Bus games?

Have fun with English!

Explore the Great Britain and have amazing adventures!