Impostato: Coding at early school
Novelty!!! The set includes three collections of games and activities from the basics of coding and algorithms at an attractive price, 25% lower.The games are dedicated to children of early school age (7-10 years old) and intended for group work, pair exercises and individual classes.
The set includes:
- Robot Bot - 5 interactive pen games (85 boards)
- Coders to the Rescue - 16 Motion Apps (151 Playing Boards)
- Code with Ava - 54 applications for interactive pens (1633 boards)
"Coding and algorithmics" is preparation for programming, necessary at later stages of education. Code with students on interactive boards and layout algorithms in an attractive large format. Practice the basics of algorithmics already with the youngest students. The set includes movement games and interactive boards to be coded with colours, numbers, letters, and directional arrows, operated with interactive pens. Plus, a motion-operated board game with 140 questions about the internet, software and online security. This kit is a treat for coding fans. Movement and fun, games and algorithmic challenges in one package!
The applications included in the packages were created by the assumptions of the Core Curriculum for general education for primary school.
Look inside the individual collections below to see what's inside.
The apps work on the interactive floor with Motioncube Player.
Install Motioncube Player on your computer and try the apps for free. (Info: In the program options, select the software for interactive floors to see motion-controlled applications and login to your Motioncube account to use the demo version of the application.)
709,48 € 872,67 € VAT incl.
License for 1 seat
Items from the Motioncube Store
These items are available as part of this set

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