Fascinating Volcanoes

History & Geography Science & Nature questions: 51

ABC Quiz. Choose the correct answer(s) for the given question.

Ignite your curiosity with our Volcano Quiz, a thrilling exploration of the powerful and awe-inspiring phenomena of volcanic eruptions. Dive into the heart of Earth's geology to uncover the secrets of magma chambers and how volcanoes shape our planet's landscape. Whether you're a seasoned geology enthusiast or just fascinated by the natural wonders, this quiz promises to erupt with fascinating facts and challenges to test your volcanic knowledge.

Sample content

Question 1

What is the tallest volcano on the Earth?

  • Mauna Loa Correct
  • Mount St. Helens
  • Mount Fuji

Question 2

How are cinder cone volcanoes formed?

  • From explosive eruptions that eject lava fragments Correct
  • From layers of hardened lava flows
  • From continuous effusive eruptions

Question 3

What is a pyroclastic flow?

  • A high-speed avalanche of hot ash, rock fragments, and gas Correct
  • A slow-moving lava flow
Fascinating Volcanoes


  • Author: Motioncube
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Versión: 1.0.0
  • Question count: 51