Satz: Board games
Novelty!!! The set includes six board games with various themes, at an attractive price, 25% lower.The games are dedicated to children of school and early school age (7-14 years old), for 2-4 players.
The set includes:
- Lunapark - strategic business game
- Mushroom picking - a classic game of chance
- Chinese - a classic game of chance and strategy
- Owl king - general knowledge game
- Olympics - a game with elements of movement exercises
- Cycling card - knowledge game based on knowledge of traffic regulations
"Board Games" is a completely new version of board games played in an interactive, attractive large format. Virtual game pieces, dice and light pen operation. Each game has clear instructions. You can choose from strategic, knowledge and sports games. Every student will find something suitable for themselves. Suggest entertainment in a good atmosphere among friends!
The applications included in the packages were created by the assumptions of the Core Curriculum for general education for primary school.
Look inside the individual collections below to see what's inside.
The apps work on the interactive floor with Motioncube Player.
Install Motioncube Player on your computer and try the apps for free. (Info: In the program options, select the software for interactive floors to see motion-controlled applications and login to your Motioncube account to use the demo version of the application.)
428,14 € 526,61 € VAT incl.
License for 1 seat
Items from the Motioncube Store
These items are available as part of this set

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